A quick update

Lots of stuff going on, and I’ve been bad updating the site. Bad, Paul, bad! Work continues on the Earth Invasion comic book, and I’ve started brainstorming my first novel. So lots of writing ahead of me… More to come soon, but for now, my puppy is pestering me to go out to the dog […]

A plea for civility.

There’s a lot of anger in our country right now. I think we can all agree that the country is deeply divided…we saw it during the election, and we see it now in the discourse about the 45th president on both sides of the political spectrum. Too frequently, this divisiveness is being expressed as dismissiveness: […]

A Quick Status Update

I realize that I haven’t written anything on the website lately. I was much more regular with posts when the webcomic was coming out (most) every week, as that was something that I could repost here and talk about. I still don’t have a replacement artist for Heroines for Hire. To be fair, I haven’t […]

The Party’s Over…for the moment

Many of you have probably noticed we haven’t had a strip in over a month.  My artist Jo Roberts has been busy with her budding leatherworking business and pursuing other (paid)work, so she hasn’t been able to work on a strip.  We had a talk last night, and sadly she informed me that she wouldn’t […]


For those of you that don’t know me, I’m a bit of a gamer.  I don’t mean videogames(though I certainly enjoy those as well).   No, I mean tabletop games.  Board games, miniature games, roleplaying games…I enjoy many of them, but sadly being an adult means you just don’t have as much time to play […]

Batman V Superman V Logic

Hey, look at that…I made another comic strip! I did have a little help on this one though…I wrote, drew and inked it, but my regular Heroines artist Jo volunteered to do the coloring, and who am I to turn her down! As of this writing, I have not seen Batman v Superman, though I’ve […]