A couple of updates

Been a bit busy lately so while the Heroines for Hire website has been getting updated regularly, I’ve been a little slack here.  So if you’ve been getting your updates here for the comic, here’s the last couple of strips.  Looks like we’re not getting a new one this week, thanks to a good friend […]

Happy New Year!

I thought we were going to take a bit of a longer break here in January before starting back up again, but my artist Jo Roberts was pumped to get going on the strips in 2016…and who am I to argue? So enjoy the deceptively titled “Last Call” and we have plenty more to come […]

Happy Holidays!

We’re going to take a week or two off from the comic to get ready for 2016. But I’m churning out scripts, so don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it. Looks like we’ll actually have a booth at WonderCon this year to promote the strip, so good things ahead for Heroines for Hire.  […]

Plan B

Alanthia takes control in this week’s strip! As always, all the Heroines for Hire strips can be found on our website.  And be sure to follow the comic on Twitter @HeroinesForHire!

Too Much Social Media!

So… Between updating the Facebook page, Twitter, working on scripts, and training for a new job, I’ve been a bit lax in updating this website.  So, if you’re following Heroines For Hire on this, my personal website, then the story probably seems to jump around a bit!  That’s because I haven’t been faithfully posting the […]